Rise and shine sleepy head! Are you feeling well rested on this beautiful day? I sure am–no knots in these wooden bones! There’s extra cause for celebration today, too. We’re celebrating my favorite mattresses AND #NationalRelaxationDay! If you woke up not feeling relaxed and refreshed, lucky for you, I’ve pulled together what I’m calling (drumroll, please) my “5 Feel Good Tips” to help you create the ultimate relaxation retreat. But not at a fancy spa; in your very own bedroom!
Tip 1: Cancel the clutter

Pack up the extra pillows! Put away the piles! Are you a legendary culprit of overflowing laundry baskets? Walking into your bedroom at night and waking up in the morning shouldn’t cause you stress, it should relieve you of it. The easiest way to unwind is to clear anything on your to-do list from your view. And I’m not talking about stashing it all in the closet. If it’s time for a purge, now’s a better time than ever. Or, if what you’ve got going isn’t working, try carving out a couple daytime hours to look into alternate storage solutions. Here, I’ll help! Take a look at some of my accent storage for inspiration.
Tip #2 Create Calm

Soothing colors, soft linens and weighted blankets, dim lighting or blackout curtains. All these things are great ways to integrate that zen feeling into the room where you get the most rest. If you’re feeling ambitious and want to take up mediating to clear your mind after a long day’s work, I’ve got a pillow for that!
Tip #3 Capitalize on quality comfort

This one is my favorite! Not to brag, but I have my very own memory foam, and it’s in my mattresses, pillows, even chairs and sofas! You may not realize it, but a quality pillow and mattress can relieve pain from your head to your toes. It also can create a cleaner, cooler sleep environment, and even help you breathe better. But do your research–everyone’s sleep needs are different, and I have options for all of them (and at my everyday low prices).
Tip #4 Clean & Crisp

Make your bed. I know it’s an easy step to skip in the mornings and seems harmless, but you’ll thank yourself at bedtime when you climb under the covers. A great fitted sheet set (that actually fits!) is an easy shortcut to keeping your bedding looking crisp. When shopping for sheets, make sure you know not just your mattress size, but the depth. Not all mattresses are created equal. Sheets with a deeper pocket than your mattress are more prone to slipping off if you’re an exceptionally restless sleeper. Follow this step and not only will your bed feel more comfy, but a neatly made bed leaves a feeling of accomplishment and instantly reduces stress.
Tip #5 Collect your essentials

What are the absolutely 100% essential things you need during the night? Glass of water, night time reading, phone or alarm clock, but that’s pretty much it, right? I put drawers in my nightstands for a reason–so you have somewhere to put your stuff! I suggest anything that you won’t be touching when you wake up for a midnight snack be tucked away in your top drawer. Many of my nightstands even have felt lined top drawers to take gentle care of the important things. What’s better than that? How about built-in wireless charging so you can cut the cord? You’re in luck! Look at more nightstands with features you’ll adore.
There you have it! Easy, right? Tell us how you make your room relaxation ready or show us your space on social @mybobs