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Heart of Bob’s: Celebrating Fun, Community and Service

At Bob’s we love to celebrate the human stories of selfless acts that exemplify The Bob’s Way by issuing Heart of Bob’s awards. Several times a year, we select a small group of employees nominated by their peers to receive this honor.

We closed 2022 recognizing employees for heroism, volunteerism, creating fun and being consistent every day. I am so honored to share the stories of these people who embody that little extra to make a big difference (read about past recipients here).

I had a chance to visit with an employee who handknits winter wear for people in need! I was so touched when she presented me with hat and scarf!

Every recipient touches my spokespuppet heart and I am so honored to call these employees colleagues!

Learn more about each recipient:

Wayne Conlogue

As the Facilities Building Engineer located in Bob’s Home Office in Manchester, Connecticut, you’d be hard-pressed to see Wayne Conlogue sitting in one spot for long. Whether he’s needed at the corporate offices or in stores, Wayne responds to any call stating: “I will be there.”  His dedication and commitment are of the highest level no matter the task. A selfless leader, Wayne does not seek or expect accolades. For Wayne’s commitment to his community, his attention to safety and his accountability he is awarded this Heart of Bob’s.

Kristen Benedict

A Customer Care Representative Lead by day, you might be surprised to learn that Kristen Benedict is a leader in the mobile gaming world as well. Started in 2017, Kristen manages a Discord server that connects Pokémon Go players across the greater Farmington Valley hosting meetups, tournaments, and events to bring players together. Recently designated a Community Ambassador by Niantic (The Pokémon Company), the Discord server now reaches players globally providing additional support and resources beyond the local community. For her energy, spirit and fun mindset, Kristen is awarded this Heart of Bob’s.

Robin Thomas

A Guest Experience Specialist in the Totowa, New Jersey location, Robin Thomas devotes her free time to helping others. When Robin is not busy at work, she volunteers with the non-profit The Loving Arms Foundation, which supports the needs of homeless individuals in the area. In addition to helping provide clothing and meals for the homeless, Robin has participated in holiday toy drives among other volunteer activities. For her support of community, Robin is awarded this Heart of Bob’s.

Jennifer Cludinski

A Human Resource Compliance Manager located in the Home Office in Manchester, Connecticut, Jennifer Cludinski is a neighbor anyone would be lucky to have. After checking in on an elderly neighbor suffering from illness, Jennifer alerted family members to some concerns. Jennifer’s persistence that her neighbor needed care was crucial to this person’s wellbeing. Jennifer possesses much integrity taking time to care about her neighbors and those around her. For her loyal sense of community, she is awarded this Heart of Bob’s.

Team Rockville

The Rockville store team located in Maryland, rallied together to present a special holiday gift to the group that keeps their Bob’s Discount Furniture showroom clean and ready for business every day. The store’s Guest Experience Specialists wanted to make sure this group of people were honored and recognized for all they do. For their sense of community, Team Rockville is awarded this Heart of Bob’s.

Danielle Middleton

A Retail Guest Support Lead in Bob’s New London, Connecticut store, Danielle also has a special talent she uses to help others when she’s not working. Danielle has been handmaking winter caps and mittens for the homeless or under privileged in the greater Norwich area. Using her own supplies or yarn donated by fellow team members, Danielle has made hundreds of matching hats and gloves for those in need. 

Danielle, who has worked for Bob’s for more than a decade, was nominated for the Heart of Bob’s honor by Bledar Nasse, Retail Store Manager in New London.

Nasse said Danielle reflects the Bob’s Way of doing the right thing all the time and consistently exemplifies Bob’s Core Values.

“I know Danielle for over 11 years and every single one of those years it gets better and better,” said Nasse. “She loves people, and she always finds a way to make everyone happy. I am very proud to have Danielle on my team and she has a heart of gold.”

Danielle has been crocheting for more than 30 years. In the last 15 years she began giving items away to those in need from the homeless to local newborn babies and children overseas.

Just the past winter, Danielle’s son Kegan Watson asked her to crochet some hats and gloves so he could distribute them with winter coats he donates yearly.

Danielle said she got to work in August and by September had crocheted 200 hats for this winter’s distribution.

Danielle said her son has been distributing new coats to those in need for four winters. “He doesn’t ask for background,” Danielle explained. “He just says, ‘Here, you look cold. Here’s a hat. Here’s a coat.’”

In addition to making hats for distribution through her son’s grassroot effort, Danielle’s hats and gloves can be found hanging in Ziplock bags on a tree outside the First Congregational Church of Norwich for those in need to take.

Tralayne Saportia, Retail Guest Support for Bob’s New London store, is proud if her colleague also sharing that Danielle is shy about her generosity. Most people, don’t even know Danielle crochets the winter wear for others, explained Saportia. Once she learned about Danielle’s donations, she had to help nominate her for the Heart of Bob’s award. “Danielle’s exemplifies Bob’s Core Values in every way,” said Saportia. “Her dedication to her work, co-workers and the Bob’s way shines.”

True to her kind nature, Danielle took time to make Bob’s spokespuppet Little Bob a hat and scarf. Little Bob brought her a gift card to purchase more supplies so she can keep crocheting!

“It’s the simplest things that make a difference and we all can do it,” said Danielle.

For her dedication to others and her transparent kindness, Danielle is awarded this Heart of Bobs.


En Bob’s, nos encanta celebrar las historias humanas de actos desinteresados que ejemplifican The Bob’s Way al otorgar los premios Heart of Bob. Varias veces al año, seleccionamos un pequeño grupo de empleados nominados por sus compañeros para recibir este honor.

Cerramos 2022 reconociendo a los empleados por su heroísmo, voluntariado, creación de diversión y consistencia diaria. Me siento muy honrado de compartir las historias de estas personas que encarnan ese pequeño extra que marca una gran diferencia.

¡Tuve la oportunidad de visitar a un empleada que teje a mano ropa de invierno para personas sin hogar! ¡Hasta me hizo una bufanda y un gorro!

Cada uno de ellos me llega al corazón y me siento muy honrada de llamarlos colegasLearn more about each recipient!

Wayne Conlogue

Como ingeniero de construcción de instalaciones ubicado en la oficina central de Bob’s en Manchester, Connecticut, sería difícil ver a Wayne sentado en un lugar por mucho tiempo. Ya sea que lo necesiten en las oficinas corporativas o en las tiendas, Wayne responde a cualquier llamado diciendo: ” Allí estaré “. Su dedicación y compromiso son del más alto nivel, sea cual sea la tarea. Un líder desinteresado, Wayne no busca ni espera elogios. Por su compromiso con la comunidad, su atención a la seguridad y su responsabilidad, Wayne ha sido galardonado con este premio Heart of Bob’s.

Kristen Benedict

Representante de atención al cliente durante el día, te sorprenderá saber que Kristen también es una líder en el mundo de los juegos virtuales. Kristen organiza y mantiene un canal de discusión para conectar a los miembros de Pokémon Go de todo el estado de Connecticut. Mantiene una presencia en línea para presentar y compartir el juego con la comunidad Pokémon Go. Fomenta el grupo creando actividades y organizando encuentros y eventos para reunir a los miembros en persona. Por su energía, espíritu y mentalidad divertida, Kristen ha sido galardonada con este Corazón de Bob.

Robin Thomas

Especialista en experiencia de huéspedes en la ubicación de Bob’s en Totowa, Nueva Jersey, dedica su tiempo libre a ayudar a los demás. Cuando Robin no está ocupada en el trabajo, trabaja como voluntaria en la organización sin fines de lucro The Loving Arms Foundation, que apoya las necesidades de las personas sin hogar en el área. Además de ayudar a proporcionar ropa y comidas a las personas sin hogar, Robin ha participado en colectas de juguetes navideños, entre otras actividades voluntarias. Por su apoyo a su comunidad, Robin ha recibido este Heart of Bob’s.

Jennifer Cludinski

Como Gerente de Cumplimiento de Recursos Humanos ubicada en la oficina central en Manchester, Connecticut, Jen es una vecina que cualquiera tendría suerte de tener. Tras visitor a un vecino anciano que padecía de una enfermedad, Jen alertó a los miembros de la familia sobre algunas preocupaciones. La insistencia de Jen de que su vecino necesitaba atención fue crucial para el bienestar de esta persona. Jen posee mucha integridad y se toma el tiempo para preocuparse por sus vecinos y quienes la rodean. Por su leal sentido de comunidad, ha sido galardonada con este Corazón de Bob.

Team Rockville

El equipo de la tienda de Rockville, Maryland, se unió para presentar un regalo especial de vacaciones al grupo que mantiene su sala de exposición de Bob’s Discount Furniture limpia y lista para el trabajo cada día. Los especialistas en la experiencia del huésped de la tienda querían asegurarse de que este grupo de personas fueran honradas y reconocidas por todo lo que hacen. Por su sentido de comunidad, el equipo de Rockville ha sido galardonado con el premio Heart of Bob’s

Danielle Middleton

Danielle, responsable de atención al cliente en la tienda de Bob’s en New London (Connecticut), también tiene un talento especial que utiliza para ayudar a los demás cuando no está trabajando. Desde hace dos años, Danielle confecciona a mano gorros y guantes de invierno para las personas sin hogar o desfavorecidas de la zona de Norwich. Con sus propios materiales o con hilo donado por otros miembros del equipo, Danielle ha hecho cientos de gorros y guantes a juego para los necesitados. Danielle ha sido galardonada con el premio Heart of Bob’s.


I consider myself the luckiest spokespuppet ever because I get to talk about the thing I love the most everyday – furniture! Tufted headboards, rustic finishes, the difference between a sofa and a couch (yes, there is a difference)… I could go on and on. Oh, I just love furniture and I’m SO excited that I have this blog to share my passion with you! It may take me a little longer to create posts – have you ever tried typing with clay hands – but I look forward to talking furniture with you!