I can’t think of a better way to start the new year than by welcoming Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals as our newest Café Collections for a Cause Partner.
Cheers to a great organization that is dedicated to improving the well-being of children all across the country!
“When we positively impact the health of even one child, we create a ripple effect felt by our communities for years to come,” said Teri Nestel, President, and CEO of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. “We’re grateful for partners like Bob’s Discount Furniture who rally in support of our cause and create more opportunities for everyone to make a difference.“
If you’re not familiar with my Café Collections for a Cause program, it’s really simple to participate in. Just visit one of my 150+ stores across the country and find the Café – it’s the place with complimentary coffee, ice cream and treats. If you have kids, they seem to have a knack for sniffing this area out as soon as you walk in the store!
Every Café has an adorable statue of yours truly and a donation box where you can contribute money to help Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. All of the money collected between January 1 and March 31 will be donated to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
And best of all, I will provide a dollar-for-dollar match, up to $75,000. So, the more you give, the more I give!
“Many people don’t realize that our hospitals are nonprofit organizations and that means that they can’t do what they do without donations from the community,” said Clark Sweat, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
Support Your Local Children’s Hospital

I’m also excited to announce a new twist for Café Collections for a Cause donations. All of the money donated during the first quarter will stay in your community to support your local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. So, you will know that your donation is directly impacting children and families in your area.
At the end of the quarter, my team and I will tally up all the donations by region and funds will be sent to your local children’s hospitals.
For example, for customers who shop near our headquarters in Manchester, Connecticut, all of your donations will go directly to Connecticut Children’s Medical Center in Hartford.
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals raises funds for 170 children’s hospitals that support the health of 10 million kids each year across the U.S. and Canada. Donations go to local hospitals to fund critical life-saving treatments and healthcare services, along with innovative research, vital pediatric medical equipment, child life services that put kids’ and families’ minds at ease during difficult hospital stays and financial assistance for families who could not otherwise afford these health services. When we improve the health of all children and allow them the opportunity to reach their full potential, we also improve our communities for years to come. Together, we can change kids’ health. Together, we can change the future. To learn about Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and your local children’s hospital, visit cmnhospitals.org.
Comments (3)
Sheryl Weedsays:
January 11, 2022 at 11:43 amI really loved reading about how you use your company profits to help support children and community! Brought tears to my eyes.
Thank you,
Retired Special Education Teacher
Andrea Hoislsays:
February 8, 2022 at 7:09 pmI am the director of the new CT Chapter of Twilight Wish. A non-profit organization that’s grants wishes to senior citizens. I was wondering how I would go about partnering with Bob’s for future wishes to be granted? Please contact me at your earliest convenience so I can tell you all about this wonderful opportunity for our seniors in CT! 860-918-3012
February 9, 2022 at 11:33 amHello Andrea,
Thank you for your note. At this time we aren’t taking on any additional non-profit partners, but we can keep CT Chapter of Twilight Wish in mind for the future.