Here are a few spokespuppet’s tips for working from home!
Since I’m in the furniture business, I feel like I work from home every day. Here are some tips to help you get set up in your own home.
Start the day off right!
My spokespuppet to-do list probably looks nothing like yours.

One thing I can tell you though is to start the day by doing what you can to have a good outlook. Get up at a good hour – the longer daylight should help! Do some exercises to make you feel alert. Have a hot shower to clear the cobwebs. Make some coffee or tea. Then you can hit the to-do list.
Speaking of to-do lists…do you do them? If not, think about incorporating them into your routine. I like to make a list of what I need to do for the week, and then break that list up into manageable chunks with tasks for each day. A list can help you see the scope of what you need to do, but keep you from being overwhelmed by providing an order in which to tackle it.
With your to-do list in hand, and your body and mind alert, now all you need is your internet to hold up! Hopefully, the biggest hiccup in your day is your kid challenging you to a game of Mario Kart!
Set up for success!
Your home is probably organized for homey activities, like eating, sleeping, reading, watching TV – not for hunkering down on the computer.
So here’s some advice from a furniture expert…
Scrunching up in a ball with a laptop isn’t ideal. If your place is big enough, try to set up a dedicated work area. Even taking over one end of the dining room table can be a good option. Remember that you want to keep your body aligned at right angles if possible. Your forearms should be level with the ground. Your eyes should be looking straight ahead at the computer screen.

Having the right chair can help with that! Pick a comfortable seat and try to keep your back straight to help with potential strain and stress. I’m made of wood, but you’re not. Do whatever you need to do to make sure you’re comfy all day long! My Jemma and Bobby office chairs have a mid-century look and adjust to your optimum comfort, so you look good and feel good!
Are the kids all right?
If you have young ones who are close to my height stuck at home, you’ll want to make sure they’re doing well too. Try to give them some activities to do during the day (rather than simply let them binge-play Fortnite). Maybe even use a fishbowl of activities for them to pull from – each one lasting up to an hour (which is the maximum attention span of a typical kid). Here are some ideas:
Stay connected!
Being a spokespuppet means that I love people. And I know how important it is to remain connected. Try video chatting and sending jokes to your friends, family, and co-workers throughout the day. If you find a good article to read or a funny video to watch that makes you think of someone, send it on. Even with a work from home set up, you can stay connected with your co-workers in a fun way!
Say goodbye to the day!
Sometimes when you work from home it’s hard to shut down for the day—where does work end and home begin?
Just like your morning routine starts you off right, create a nighttime routine to end strong! Set a stopping time and stick to it every day. Power down your work computer. Turn off your phone notifications. Stretch. Exercise. Eat. Taking care of yourself is paramount in staving off burnout, and keeping a good work-life balance.
And when night comes, nestle into a comfy bed (perhaps one of my Bob-O-Pedics?) to get a good night’s sleep!
Comments (2)
June 11, 2020 at 4:44 pmBob
I was one of the people who took your quiz on sofa vs couch.
Now I’m asking you do you know where I can find a REAL CHESTERFIELD SOFA. I’m not looking for these bad soda that they call Chesterfield sofa.
No I really am seriously would like to know.
Thank you
[email protected]
June 18, 2020 at 2:43 pmHello, Sandy.
Thank you for taking my sofa vs. couch quiz! My Scarlett Sofa has all the charm and details of a Chesterfield Sofa. Check it out for yourself: https://www.mybobs.com/furniture/living-room/sofas/p/20064797002
Happy Shopping!